BNC database and word frequency lists
Adam Kilgarriff
This file describes assorted frequency lists and related documentation for the
British National Corpus (BNC), to be found on this website.
The files are:
For a list and brief descriptions of CLAWS POS-tags, see here.
This gives bibliographical specifications of the 4124 files in the BNC, in a one-line-per format (described in full in the first part of the file). Filename: bib-dbase. Click here.
There is a lemmatised frequency list for the 6,318 words with more than 800
occurrences in the whole 100M-word BNC. The definition of a 'word'
approximates to a headword in an EFL dictionary such as Longman's
Dictionary of Contemporary English: so, eg, nominal and verbal "help"
are listed separately, and the count for verbal "help" is the sum of
counts for verbal 'help', 'helps', 'helping', 'helped'.
The lemmatised list is called 'lemma' and is available in four forms:
ordered alphabetically or by frequency, and compressed (using gzip) or
uncompressed, so the four files are:
The format for the list is:
sort-order, frequency, word, word-class
and a sample from the top of the alphabetically-ordered list is:
5 2186369 a det
2107 4249 abandon v
5204 1110 abbey n
966 10468 ability n
321 30454 able a
The list-creation process replicated that used at Longman for marking
dictionary frequencies in LDOCE 3rd edition, a process described in
Kilgarriff, A. Putting Frequencies in the Dictionary.
International Journal of Lexicography 10 (2) 1997. Pp 135--155. Available here.
Numbers, names, and items that would usually be capitalised are
excluded. Only simple words (eg containing no spaces) were
considered. The following set of word classes is used:
conj (conjunction) 34 items
adv (adverb) 427
v (verb) 1281
det (determiner) 47
pron (pronoun) 46
interjection 13
a (adjective) 1124
n (noun) 3262
prep (preposition) 71
modal 12
infinitive-marker 1
A word like "right" has four list entries, for adjective, adverb,
interjection and noun. (Just ten words have more than three list
Unlike the Longman list, only the BNC was used (so the lists only
reflect British, not American, frequencies); spoken and written
frequencies are not separated; spelling variants are not counted as a
single word; manual checking was less extensive.
The lemmatised list was generated from the unlemmatised lists which
are thus a less theory-dependent form of data.
These are all available in 6 forms:
- sorted alphabetically ("al")
or by frequency (highest frequency first) ("num");
- the complete lists, or a smaller file containing only those
items occurring over five times (suffix "o5");
- all lists are available compressed using gzip (".gz"). The
o5 lists are also available uncompressed (no suffix).
The frequencies are for <CLAWS-word, POS> pairs. NB some CLAWS words
- eg "in spite of" are not orthographic words, while others are
numbers etc, and some POS's are CLAWS 'portmanteau tags', eg NN1-VVB,
where CLAWS was uncertain as to whether the word was a singular common
noun or base form of a verb. See BNC manual for serious documentation,
also my "Putting frequencies in the dictionary" (see above).
For a list and brief descriptions of CLAWS POS-tags, see here.
The format is: four fields, separated by spaces.
1: frequency
2: word
3: pos
4: number of files the word occurs in
For non-orthographic words, spaces are replaced by underscore, giving
eg "in_spite_of".
Lists are provided for the complete BNC (all), and for three subsets, as below:
cg 'context-governed' spoken material
(eg meetings, lectures etc) 6.2M tokens, 79,906 types
demog 'demographic' spoken material
(eg conversation) 4.2M tokens, 54,652 types
written 89.7M tokens, 921,074 types
all 100.1M tokens, 939,028 types
File sizes in MB ("al" and "num" variants all the same size) are:
all uncompressed .gz o5 o5.gz
all 18.1 4.8 4.0 1.32
cg 1.4 0.39 0.43 0.15
demog 0.9 0.26 0.25 0.09
written 17.8 4.7 3.9 1.30
For click here
For click here
For click here
For all.num.gz click here
For all.num.o5 click here
For all.num.o5.gz click here
For click here
For click here
For click here
For written.num.gz click here
For written.num.o5 click here
For written.num.o5.gz click here
For click here
For click here
For click here
For cg.num.gz click here
For cg.num.o5 click here
For cg.num.o5.gz click here
For click here
For click here
For click here
For demog.num.gz click here
For demog.num.o5 click here
For demog.num.o5.gz click here
It has long been noted that corpus frequencies, taken alone, give a
very limited picture of a word's distribution in a corpus. As well as
varying in raw frequency, words vary in the extent to which they are
equally spread across the documents on the corpus. This 'burstiness'
can be measured in a variety of ways (Church and Gale, "Poisson
Mixtures", JNLE 1(2), 1996). One straightforward possibility is to
take a large number of documents, all of the same length; count the
frequency of a word in each of these documents; and calculate the
(mean and) variance of this frequency.
The file presents the results of such an exercise. It is potentially
of interest for various statistical approaches to text processing
(e.g. as author identification and information retrieval) as well as
for linguistic studies of how much semantic content different English
words have.
The first 5,000 words of all documents (=files) longer than
5,000 words in the written part of the BNC were taken. There were 2018 of these,
so the subcorpus was slightly over 10M words. (I used
written-only on the premise that the spoken material would be too
different to usefully treat as part of the same population - of
course, one might say this about all sorts of subcorpora, but never
mind.) A frequency list was produced for each of these (truncated)
documents. Then, taking the 8189 word-pos pairs occurring 100 times or
more in the sample, a 2018x8189 table giving the frequency
of each word in each document was produced. For each word, the mean
and variance was calculated.
There were two ways to calculate mean and variance: including the zeros (eg
always dividing by 2018) or excluding them (dividing by the number of documents the word occurred in). For most purposes, it is the former
that is of interest so this is what I present. The "exclusive" figures
may readily be reconstructed.
File format
Columns are
(1) Word )Using BNC definitions of 'word' and tags
(2) POS-tag ) - see IJL paper (details above)
(3) Total freq (in 10M corpus)
(4) (Truncated) documents that word-pos pair occurs in (out of 2018)
(5) Mean (= Total freq./2018)
(6) Variance
(7) Variance/mean
The last is useful because, for distributions like the normal,
poisson, binomial, variance increases with mean, so, to make the
variance figures comparable for words of different base frequency, it
is necessary to normalise by the mean. This is the figure that shows
that, e.g., pronouns have very high variability, and prepositions, low
(cf. Kucera and Francis 1982).
Words are presented in frequency order. The file is 400 KB
(uncompressed) and 100 KB (compressed).
Uncompressed, available
Compressed, available
This page:
Written: 20 Nov 1995
Updated: 15 March 1996
HTML version: 3 Nov 1998
Moved to website: 1 Mar 2006